Hello! =)

Heyy everybody! :) I'm Odalys Caro, and this is a blog about what I do in life. Enjoy!! :D

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Today was a wonderful day.I got to go in my costume at school as a korean girl.Mr.France said I was "Peach Blossom".(I had to bring a costume with a book in it!)I was Pear Blossom.After, I went to the Mall to TRICK OR TREAT.I got a BIG chocolate,Hershys and a Meddal for nice costume.After everything,I went with Sabi and Mahima to their neighborhood to trick or treat.I went to a haunted house and a Real person dressed as a witch scared me with a BOO!!!!!!!
That was a fun Halloween!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

The Adventures of Violeta y Roxie and Family

Three dogs were playing. One dog was named Rico, another Roxie, and thier mother was Mrs. Tuftsy.Their father, Mr. Tuftsy, was at work. They were a very happy family. They always smiled and never frowned, except for Roxie who detested cats.
One day, Roxie told Rico, "Do you like cats?" Rico replied, "Of course I do because they are very cute! They have the most darling eyes don't you think?" Roxie was amazed at what she was hearing...she hated cats.
Mrs. Tuftsy had told them that one of her friends, a cat, was coming for a visit. Roxie and Rico were surprised because they had never had a cat visit their house. Rico had asked her mom if they could go buy food for them because he thought that she could make a great meal. Mrs. Tuftsy reminded Rico and Roxie, "Just be careful with the mean dogs. They might kill you."
As they left, they saw the cat arrive.
While Roxie and Rico were gone to the store, Mrs. Tufsty made delicious cookies for the cat and her family. Roxie was happy. The cat was no where to be seen. But then the cat came out of the bathroom. The cat introduced herself. She said, "Hi, my name is Violeta! Nice to meet you." Roxie had begun to growl at Violeta. She was about to attack her. Mrs. Tuftsy said, "Calm down, Roxie. She's a good friend!" Roxie couldn't hear her mom and didn't calm down. She just stared at Violeta at the table. She never took her eye off of Violeta. Violeta had never been attacked by any other dog, except for Roxie. Violeta, surprisingly, didn't mind. She kept blabbering. But Roxie's mom was angry. She sent Roxie to her room.
Now Violeta was beginning to get upset with Roxie, but she didn't let Roxie know. She told Roxie "Oh, thank you for scratching my back!" Roxie frowned and continued to attack her even more. Violeta kept calm.
Then Roxie's dad, Mr. Tuftsy walked in and saw the cat being attacked. Now, Mr. Tufsy felt the same way about cats as Roxie, and he began to attack her too.
Mrs. Tufsy told them to stop attacking. Roxie and Mr. Tufsy were confused. They had confused the friendly Violeta cat with another, meaner and evil cat also named Violetá ( with an accent). Mrs. Tufsy let them know that her guest was the nice cat from work even though they looked alike.
Roxie and Mr. Tufsy agreed to never attack any cats ever more. Then the door opened wide and there stood a cat and Mr. Tufsy, Roxie, Rico and Mrs. Tufsy asked it to join them for dinner. Violeta came along too. She forgave Roxie for the situation. The Tufsy family and friends went to the ice-cream shop and forgave each other for all the confusion.
The End.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006


I had a project about leopards at school.First I had to choose 3 animals.My first one was a horse,koala then a leopard.Leopards are really pretty,cool and gorgous creatures that I could learn a lot about. I learned so many facts about a leopard.Let me tell you a fact. A leopard can eat a carcass (food) for many days. It could also jump high on treetops and drag the carcass up there so no predator can steal it's prey. Leopards are beautiful creatures. Sometime men hunt them for their skins, men also make houses in thier habitat, where they live. Leopards are the third largest cat in the family of felines. Their scientific name is panthera pardus. It is a huge cat with black spots, sharp teeth, and claws. It has a long tale, green and yellow eyes. They measure up to 28 inches, 70 centimeters, tall at the shoulder. They measure 90 inches, 230 centimeters, long from head to tail. It can weigh up to 198 pounds. I learned lots about leopards. Now, I've learned lots of facts.

Tuve un proyecto de leopardos en la escuela. Primero, tuve que escojer 3 animales. Mi primer animal, fue un caballo, y luego un koala y por ultimo un leopardo.Los leopardos son bonitos, padres y bellas creaturas de las cuales puedo aprender mucho. Yo aprendi mucho sobre los leopardos. Dejame contarte tres hechos. Un leopardo puede comer la carne de su presa por varios dias. Es bueno para sus dientes, sabias eso? Tambien brincan arboles y suben muy alto, jalando su presa, para que se pueda alejar de otros animales carnivoros que le puedan robar su comida.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Mis regalos lindos

Yo disfrute los regalos que me dieron. Fueron los regalos mas bonitos que he tenido!
A mi me gusto el oso, la lonchera que uso para la escuela, la ropa que me dieron la familia Sierra y lapices nuevos para la escuela. Yo uso estas cosas todos los dias en la escuela y en la casa. A veces llevo a mi oso conmigo a lugares. Mi osita se llama Andrea.

Mi cumpleaños

Tuve el mejor dia de mi vida en Marine world! Fue un dia fantastico porque yo vi a todas mis amigas favoritas y me diverti mucho!

Mi amigo Alex me regalo un certificado para ir a la fabrica de osos. Yo escogi un oso y mi hermano escogio un koala. Estuvo muy bonito y jugamos con ellos. Nos divertimos mucho jugando con nuestos osos.

Gracias a todos mis amigos por sus regalos. Este fue un cumpleaños super bueno! adios.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Ya mero es mi cumpleanos!

Ya mero es mi cumpleanos!Sabes donde voy a ir para mi cumpleanos?
?Donde Crees?
(a)Marine world
(b)Great America

Muy Bien!

Sunday, March 19, 2006

La Boda de Mrs. Curry

Ya pasó la boda, y todo salio bien! La canción salio muy bien y me divertí mucho!

Saturday, February 18, 2006

La Boda de Ms. Backman!!!

El día 18 de marzo, del 2006, yo voy a tocar el piano en la boda de Miss Backman. Miss Backman fue mi maestra de kinder y de primero. Es mi maestra favorita. Me pidio que tocara su cancion favorita que se titula "Bless The Broken Road".
Es una canción muy bonita, pero larga. Me tarde como 2 meses en aprendermela. Ya casi me sale perfecta. Solo me falta tocarla cancion miles de veces más para que me salga perfecta de verdad.

On March 18, 2006 I will play the piano for the wedding for Ms. Backman. Ms. Backman was my kinder and first grade teacher. She is my favorite teacher. She told me to play the piano for her wedding. It's her favorite song and it's called, "Bless the Broken Road". It's a song really beautiful, but long. It took me 2 months to learn it. I almost did it perfectly, I only need to play it one hunderd times so it can be beautiful.

Sunday, January 29, 2006


Extraño la playa! Fue muy maravilloso. Ojala pudiera estar ahí ahorita.
I miss the beach! It was wonderful. I wish I was there now!

Mis Amigas/ My friends

Estas son mis amiguitas y nuestras mamás. Here are my friends and our moms!

Mi Familia en Cuba

Mi Familia en Cuba es muy buena. Son buenos conmigo. Tengo muy buenas amigas y amigos tambien. Mi mejor amiga es Mislaidy,Jani y Adriana. Las extraño mucho.

My family in Cuba is great! They are so wonderful to me. I have very good friends. My best friends in Cuba are Mislaidy, Jani and Adriana. I miss them very much.