I had a project about leopards at school.First I had to choose 3 animals.My first one was a horse,koala then a leopard.Leopards are really pretty,cool and gorgous creatures that I could learn a lot about. I learned so many facts about a leopard.Let me tell you a fact. A leopard can eat a carcass (food) for many days. It could also jump high on treetops and drag the carcass up there so no predator can steal it's prey. Leopards are beautiful creatures. Sometime men hunt them for their skins, men also make houses in thier habitat, where they live. Leopards are the third largest cat in the family of felines. Their scientific name is panthera pardus. It is a huge cat with black spots, sharp teeth, and claws. It has a long tale, green and yellow eyes. They measure up to 28 inches, 70 centimeters, tall at the shoulder. They measure 90 inches, 230 centimeters, long from head to tail. It can weigh up to 198 pounds. I learned lots about leopards. Now, I've learned lots of facts.
Tuve un proyecto de leopardos en la escuela. Primero, tuve que escojer 3 animales. Mi primer animal, fue un caballo, y luego un koala y por ultimo un leopardo.Los leopardos son bonitos, padres y bellas creaturas de las cuales puedo aprender mucho. Yo aprendi mucho sobre los leopardos. Dejame contarte tres hechos. Un leopardo puede comer la carne de su presa por varios dias. Es bueno para sus dientes, sabias eso? Tambien brincan arboles y suben muy alto, jalando su presa, para que se pueda alejar de otros animales carnivoros que le puedan robar su comida.